Contractor Hub

Little things, big outcomes

Introduction to Contracting with IGA Talent

At IGA Talent Solutions, we pride ourselves in delivering a world class service to our contractors, based both in the UK and internationally.

Our Contract Division Consultants offer an efficient job search function as we are specialists in providing high quality, professional contracting roles to support you with your career and contracting needs. We are always on hand to deliver quick turnaround times for CV and interview feedback and we will support you every step of the way to ensure you are fully prepared for your role opportunities.

Once you are onboarded, you will be assigned a dedicated Contractor Experience Manager. We will collect feedback from you throughout the lifetime of your contract and help to gather feedback from the end client so that you can utilise this for future applications. At IGA, our contractors are part of a community and we’re here to support you and ensure you have a great experience.

We understand there can be a number of complexities with contracting assignments which is why we have a dedicated contractor hub to help assist with any queries you may have.

Contractor FAQs

Timesheet submission if the end client uses a portal:

How do I submit my timesheet?

Depending on what client you have secured a role with, you will need to submit your timesheet via their client portal. You will receive instructions and further details on how to submit your timesheets from IGA Contractor Onboarding prior to your start date.

What payroll software do you use?

We use a pay and bill software called Intime in which our payroll team process your timesheets for payment. Our internal payroll team will submit timesheets on your behalf on Intime, they will take the approved timesheet that has been submitted on the client portal and then replicate the hours/days in Intime ready to be processed on a monthly basis.

When do I receive payment for the work?

You will receive payment within 30 days, subject to an approved timesheet from the client on their portal. Contractor payroll is processed on a monthly basis.

Contractors paid via an umbrella company:

What does it mean to work via an umbrella company?

An umbrella company is a third party supplier which acts as the intermediary between the recruitment agency and the contractor.

If you are a contractor being paid via an umbrella company, this means you are classed as an employee of that umbrella, the agency will distribute your pay to the umbrella and they will deduct PAYE Taxes and NI contributions from your salary before sending you the funds.

How do I decide which umbrella company to register with:

To ensure you are employed by a compliant umbrella, we advise you register with one of the umbrella companies on our preferred supplier list. These umbrella companies have been vetted and are accredited members of either APSCo, FCSA or Professional Passport.

Please click here to contact IGA Contractor Onboarding to discuss umbrella options further.

Government guidance about mini umbrella company fraud can be found by clicking here.

You can access guidance on how Tax avoidance can affect contractors by clicking here. 

How is umbrella pay calculated:

If you are employed by an umbrella company for your contract of employment and your salary is calculated as the contract value, less the margin the umbrella will charge you for the services, less the amount payable to HMRC for Apprenticeship Levy and Employers NI contributions. Your salary is then subject to PAYE tax deductions and employee’s NI contributions.

Please contact your umbrella company directly if you have any queries about your contributions.

Limited Company Contractors:

How do I submit my Timesheet if the end client doesn’t use a portal?

Once you are set-up on our system, you will receive an email notification which includes your log in details and a link to our timesheet system, Intime. You can access the timesheet system by clicking here. 

You can view further guidance on how to submit your timesheet here.

What documentation do I need to provide for proof of bank details?

We will need a copy of your business bank statement which is dated within the last 3 months. As we cannot send funds to a personal bank account, we have to ensure that your business sort code and account number for your PSC matches the details you provide us with.

What does it mean if my contract is outside of IR35?

If you are operating outside of scope of IR35 then this means the agency can continue to pay the gross amount to your Limited Company which means through a combination of salary and dividends, it can be more tax efficient for the contractor. As the contractor operating outside of IR35, you will be responsible for your taxes and ensuring you comply with the regulations.

What does it means if my contract is inside of IR35?

If you are determined as an Inside of IR35 contractor by the end client then this means that your income is reclassified as employment income, as a result, PAYE and NI contributions must be deducted by the fee payer, whether this be the end client or the agency acting as the intermediary within the supply chain. We advise that all inside of IR35 contractors register with an Umbrella company on our preferred supplier list.

My role is outside of IR35, do I need to register with an umbrella?

Depending on your contract with the client, if the client is willing to engage with PSC’s then working via your Limited Company for that contract is not a problem. However, the end client must provide the agency (IGA Talent) with a status determination which states the role is outside of IR35. If the client does not engage with PSC’s then you will need to register with an umbrella company for that particular assignment so that Tax and NIC’s can be deducted at source.

Contact us


Who do I contact directly if I have a timesheet, compliance or invoice query?

You can view our contractor timesheet guide here.

Alternatively, you can reach out to the below contacts who will assist with your query.

Payroll Team

Compliance Team 

Hannah Yates, Senior Operations Executive 

Lana Furey, Associate Director

Please access the timesheet system, Intime here.